Vendor applications

Applying as a Vendor is done through our electronic form. Please fill in the form carefully, especially if anything is not in English, as we may not be able to correct for spelling mistakes. Before applying, read through this page.


The link below is for the application for vendor space in the Tracon 2024 vendor hall. All applicants will be contacted in May with an suggested contract or rejection notice. The contract is likely to be rather similar to the one in 2023, but there may be some changes.

The application timetable

Applying period begins: Monday 1st of April
Applying closes: Friday 26th of April
Link for the application: closed
Results: during May
Note! Please fill the application form by logging in to Kompassi. Applications will not be taken after the form closes. Please create your Kompassi -account on time. (Kompassi is available also in English.)
Apply only as a vendor OR to artist alley.

The schedule

The vendor hall is open for customers from Friday till Sunday, opening around the same time as the convention, and closing some hours earlier. We expect the vendors to keep their table open during the vendor hall opening hours. You will be able to begin building your vendor space at Friday 10 am at the latest. We hope that packing and vacating the hall will be achieved within a few hours as usual. More detailed schedules will be provided before the end of July.

Opening hours
Friday: 16 – 20*
Saturday: 9.30 – 19*
Sunday: 9.30 – 16

*We reserve the right to change these.


The prices are as follows:

AreaPriceVendor tickets
5 m²480 €2 pieces
6-9 m²80€ / m² + 40€ / m3 pieces
10-40 m²85€ / m² + 40€ / m4-6 pieces

On the pricing structure

Our pricing has changed somewhat from the previoous years. The main part of the price is still dependant on the amount of area you reserve. This year, however, we are adding to this a cost for how many meters of customer-facing edge you are asking for. The larger we can make our islands and the longer our rows, the less we need to reserve space for our corridors. Thus, areas open in three directions or floating islands will cost more, as we need to leave around them more open space that we can’t sell to vendors. We also want to know if you are willing to let customers enter your vendor area, as this should decrease the amount customers blocking the space in front of your area. You are responsible for organizing your area in a manner that allows you to enter and leave it.

Other information

The price includes a number vendor tickets (in the form of a wristband) for the event; the number is relative to the size of your area. Two additional ones may be purchased for 50 € each. Your personnel must wear them during the event. They are assigned to each person separately, and selling/giving them forward is forbidden. Tracon will provide chairs and table to vendors as desired; the table size is 180 cm x 80 cm.


Tracon is offering the following forms of advertising:
In our visitor booklet (250-600 €)
On our website (200 €)
As part of the programme in the Main Auditorium (450 €)
Attached to the adjoining park fence (250 / 400 €)

Purchasing advertising does not require reserving a vendor area or vice versa.

Other rules

We respect the amount of work artists put into their art and we forbid selling products made using generative AI in the Vendor Hall. This ban includes partly or completely AI generated pictures, text or sound that is based on other parties’ material.

Showcasing Age-restricted Art
Tracon is for people of all ages. Please note this in how you showcase your products. Be aware that gore and sexually suggestive art must be showcased in a way that the people visiting the vendor hall are not exposed to it without their consent. A good way to limit the exposure of the art is the use folders, boxes and other covering techniques in critical places. Folders and boxes must have clear explanations of content. You as the vendor must be aware of who browses your products and if needed steer the visitor to other products. Selling age-resticted products to underaged visitors is not allowed.

Statement on storing your data
The information will be stored on servers administered by Tracon. Your information will only be used in relation to organizing Tracon. Your public company name as well as your approximate sales area and location will be published as part of the vendor area map. Other information will not be shared with third parties. The data controller is Tracon ry.

Contact information for the vendor representative: sponsori(at)